Do You Need a Building Permit to Remodel a Kitchen Design?

Posted in: Building regulations, kitchen remodel, interior design, building permits, home remodeling tips, kitchen, kitchen remodeling, kitchen appliances

James Moylan

Friday, February 28, 2020

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Amidst the rush of picking out new tile and purchasing eco-friendly kit chen appliances, it’s often easy to forget one of the most important steps of remodeling a kitchen in Virginia or Maryland: obtaining permits.

Oftentimes, homeowners are surprised to learn that their full interior kitchen renovations require permitting, especially if they are doing something seemingly simple. However, the vast majority of kitchen renovations require not one, but three types of permits: building, electrical, and mechanical permits.

6 Tips for Choosing a Remodeling Contractor

Posted in: Decks in Virginia, Deck Contratcors, Deck Contractors License, Deck Contractor Permits, Bathroom Remodel Tips, hire a decking contractor, Contractor Portfolios, Contracting Questions, home additons, kitchen remodeling, outdoor living spaces, deck add-ons, upscale deck features, deck topics, decking questions, deck contractors, Q&A, decks in Washington, D.C., Porch and Deck Care, Loudoun County, interior remodeling, Screened Porch in Virginia, home improvement, Hire a Contractor, building a deck, Screen Room, screened porch in Washington, DC, Screened Porch, Screened-in Porch, Three-season rooms, custom deck, screen room addition, screen room ideas, screen porch design

James Moylan

Monday, December 30, 2019

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Download your FREE screen porch building checklist

Type “remodeling contractor” into Google, and you’ll be presented with the sites of hundreds of contracting firms in your area, each one claiming to be the best.

With so many choices to sift through, choosing the right contractor for your home improvement project is no small task. But making this decision is as important as it is challenging, since the success of your interior remodel will be in the hands of the contractor you choose.

Design Review: Modern Kitchen Renovation with Screened-in Porch and Patio

Posted in: Decks and Patios, patio design, kitchen remodel, kitchen, kitchen remodeling, SCREENEZE, SCREENEZE screening system, kitchen design, kitchen appliances, Screen Room, screened porch in Washington, DC, Screened Porch, Screened-in Porch

James Moylan

Wednesday, June 05, 2019

modern kitchen renovation with hardwood floors in the Palisades, Washington,. DC

Featured DC Project: Factors to Consider When Building in the Palisades

The Palisades is a neighborhood in Washington, DC, and here at Design Builders we recently completed a backyard and kitchen renovation in that area that we’re excited to share with you! If you live in or near the Palisades and are thinking about undertaking a home improvement project, here are some details about that recent job to inspire you, as well as general reminders when looking to build in the area.

Danver Outdoor Kitchens and Brown Jordan: The Partnership

Posted in: kitchen, kitchen remodeling, outdoor living, outdoor kitchens, Danver cabinets, outdoor kitchen cabinets, Danver Stainless Outdoor Kitchens, Danver cabinets in Maryland, Danver cabinets in Virginia, Brown Jordan Outdoor Cabinets

James Moylan

Thursday, March 16, 2017


If you’ve been in the market for high-end outdoor kitchen items, it’s likely you’ve come across Danver Cabinets or Brown Jordan Outdoor Kitchens. However, you may not have realized that the companies are in a working partnership. We sat down with Mitchell Slater, president and founder of Danver Stainless Outdoor Kitchens, to explain what the pairing means for both companies and its history  and continuing benefits.

2017 Outdoor Cabinet Comparison: Plastic, Stone, and Steel

Posted in: Contracting Questions, kitchen remodel, kitchen, kitchen remodeling, outdoor living, outdoor kitchens, Danver cabinets, outdoor kitchen cabinets, Danver Stainless Outdoor Kitchens, Danver cabinets in Maryland, Danver cabinets in Virginia, Brown Jordan Outdoor Cabinets, outdoor accessories

James Moylan

Monday, May 02, 2016


If you’re building an outdoor kitchen, you’ve probably already started investigating your options for outdoor cabinetry. In this industry, however, there are a staggering number of options, and that can quickly become overwhelming. To help you choose between plastic, stone, and steel (the most common outdoor kitchen materials), the following is an overview of some of the main differences, drawbacks, and benefits of each material type. From there, it’s just a matter of deciding what fits your personal preferences, budget, and environment.