Infratech Heaters
Turn your screened porch into all season livable space
If you live in Maryland or Virginia, you know the winter can be cold, snowy, and unpredictable. Infratech outdoor heaters use infrared heat to turn your 3 season room into an all season space, allowing you to continue enjoying your outdoor living space during the winter months. they have become very popular as a result. One thing we will tell you, if you are thinking of a new porch, even if you don't think you want heaters now, consider doing the electrical when you build. It can be extensive work to retro fit heaters into your current porch.
Lets see an example of how one homeowner used this product.
Want to know more ? Download our free e book, or hit the links before for individual articles on Infratech Heaters.
-A beginners guide to infrared heaters
-The benefits of adding infrared heaters
-So, how much heat do these things produce ?
-Can I add an infrared heater to my existing structure?
Hit the photos before to see projects with infratech heaters!