How to Properly Install and Use Outlets in a Screen Room in Washington, DC

Posted in: Screen Porch, Screen Porch Tips, Screen Porch in Maryland, Screen-Porch Design Tips, porch topics, screen porch products, porch add-ons, outdoor accessories, Screened Porch in Virginia, Outdoor Lighting, building a deck, Electrical, Screen Room

James Moylan

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

screened room with recessed lights in a tongue-and-groove ceiling in maryland

What are the top 12 considerations for Installing and Using Outlets in a Screened-In Porch?

Installing exterior outlets in your screened-in porch might seem like a minor design detail, but this process actually presents a few unique challenges to be aware of. Consider the following information when designing the layout of your outdoor space and making final decisions about which amenities to include.

Design Highlight: How to Capitalize on Big Spaces in 2018

Posted in: Decks in Maryland, Deck Design, Screen Porch in Maryland, Screen-Porch Design Tips, Howard County deck and patio, patio design, infrared heaters, patio tips, Infratech infrared heaters, porch topics, porch add-ons, Porch and Deck Accessories

James Moylan

Thursday, March 22, 2018

design builders screened porch rendering for fulton, maryland

Design Showcase: Capitalizing on a Large Outdoor Space in Fulton, Maryland

Whether you’re living in an older home on acreage or a more contemporary space with ample square footage, designing an outdoor living space for a large area can actually be quite overwhelming. After all, when you have a lot of space, you have a lot of options, and that can quickly go from liberating to paralyzing. If you’re currently in this conundrum, here's an ongoing project in Fulton, Maryland, that demonstrates one way a large space can be turned into an ideal outdoor living area.

What Your Contractor May Not Know When Building a Screen Porch in Rockville

Posted in: Screen Porch, Deck Screens, Deck Building Tips, Deck Tips, Screen Porch in Maryland, Screen-Porch Design Tips, deck builders, deck topics, deck contractors

James Moylan

Wednesday, September 28, 2016



If you’re undertaking a screen porch project in Rockville, Maryland, there are some special considerations to keep in mind. Because Rockville presents these slightly different but important differences, it’s imperative to do your research and ensure you aren’t unpleasantly surprised as you move forward with your build.

Why Can Screened Porches Cost a Lot of Money?

Posted in: Screen Porch in Northern Virginia, Screen Porch, Screen Porch Tips, Screen Porch Questions, Screen Porch Screens, Screen Porch in Maryland, Screen-Porch Design Tips, retractable screen porch, Danver Stainless Outdoor Kitchens, Brown Jordan Outdoor Cabinets, screen porch products, Screened Porch in Virginia, SCREENEZE, SCREENEZE screening system, Motorized Porch Screens, Motorized Outdoor Screening Systems, Automatic Porch Screens, cooking outdoors, kitchen appliances

James Moylan

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

white-trimmed raised porch with gable roof in montgomery county, maryland

Why screened rooms can cost more money than you think

As with anything, home-improvement projects vary greatly in cost. However, as a general rule, you get what you pay for. That is, if a high-end, high-quality screen porch is what you want, you will need to pay for the correspondingly high-quality materials and labor.

If you’re seriously thinking about adding a screen porch, deck, or other outdoor living space to your home, consider the following factors that can affect the final price. That way, you won’t be surprised either way about the total when it comes time to actually get quotes and build.

6 Features of an Award-Winning Porch Design

Posted in: Screen Porch in Northern Virginia, Screen Porch, Screen Porch Tips, Screen Porch Questions, Screen Porch Screens, Screen Porch in Maryland, Screen-Porch Design Tips, retractable screen porch, interior design

James Moylan

Friday, July 17, 2015


Characteristics of a high-quality porch in the Washington, D.C. metro area

Porches may come in all shapes and sizes, but they also provide homeowners limitless opportunities for customizing and accessorizing their luxurious outdoor living spaces. It can subsequently be difficult for first-time porch builders and overwhelming for casual deck enthusiasts to keep track of which add-ons are classy and which ones are gaudy fads. Fortunately, these six features will never go out of style and can be found on award-winning, luxurious screened porch designs throughout the DMV.