How Fade-Resistant is Zuri Decking?

Posted in: Decks in Maryland, Screen Porch, Screen Porch Questions, Decks in Virginia, Zuri Deck, Deck Products, Deck Tips, deck questions, low-maintenance decking, deck topics, screen porch products, deck boards, zuri decking, decking questions, Premium Zuri decking

James Moylan

Monday, November 02, 2015

Zuri premium decking with insight lights fade resistant low maintenance decking

Is Zuri Decking Really Fade-Free?

One of the biggest concerns surrounding your choice of decking is the issue of fading. This is, of course, a justified worry because decks are exposed to a variety of harsh conditions in DC, Maryland, and Virginia, including wind, sun exposure, rain, ice, and snow. If you live near the ocean or other salted body of water, this can also introduce salt into the mix, which only compounds these concerns. Zuri Premium Decking by Royal Building Products, however, boasts some of the most fade-resistant decking material on the market today.

What are the Best Materials for Contemporary Decks in Washington, D.C.?

Posted in: Decks in Maryland, Screen Porch Tips, Screen Porch Questions, Decks in Virginia, Deck Building Tips, Deck Building Questions, Deck Products, deck builders

James Moylan

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

When it comes to contemporary decks in the District, there are numerous options for high-quality materials. A truly high-end deck project, however, won’t just focus on quality decking or quality rails. It’s about ensuring every detail of the deck is carefully considered and thoughtfully chosen. For your contemporary deck, consider both the quality of materials used and design features made possible through those materials.

Why Synthetic Decking Materials Are A Great Long-Term Investment

Posted in: Screen Porch in Northern Virginia, Decks in Maryland, Decks in Virginia, Deck Building Tips, Deck Building Questions, Deck Products, Deck Tips, Screen Porch in Maryland, Deck Maintenance

James Moylan

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Synthetic decking materials offer an efficient alternative to traditional wood decks

You want something that’s going to add to your usable outdoor space, but you also want to ensure it’s a good investment for the long haul. You want your deck to stand the test of time, continue looking great even after years of use, and net you a nice little return when you decide to sell one day.

Why Do Wood Decks Recoup the Most Resale Value for Your Home?

Posted in: Screen Porch in Northern Virginia, Decks in Maryland, Decks and Patios, Decks in Virginia, Deck Contratcors, Deck Building Tips, Deck Products, Deck Tips, Screen Porch in Maryland

James Moylan

Saturday, November 22, 2014



Wood Decks Are a Great Option When it Comes to Resale Value for Your House

If you’re looking to remodel something or add a feature to your home in the hopes of increasing your resell value, you probably have lots of ideas. Maybe you want to add a family room. Or put in an additional bathroom. Or even get a new roof because the current one is really showing its age.

These aren’t  bad ideas, and many of them provide a decent return-on-investment, but there’s another option that you should consider: buying a wood deck. Decks in general are pretty good investments, with composite decks showing a 74% return rate, but wood decks are resell superstars. How much do people get back on average? Wood decks provide 87% rate of return on your investment.

Where home remodels and renovations are concerned, that kind of ROI is practically unheard of. So why is it that people are able to get back such a high percentage of what they put into wood decks? There are a number of reasons.

1. Wood decks are a lower up-front cost. This is probably the biggest and most straightforward reason why you’re so likely to see such a high return. A typical wood deck will run you just under $10,000. Contrast that with the price tag of a family room with the same square footage: over $80,000. When prices are lower, you have a better chance of earning closer to the full value back.

2. It’s the deck people expect. When someone tells you that a house has a deck, chances are good that the first image that pops into your head is of a standard wooden deck. It probably has been stained, but not painted, and it’s likely that there are stairs. Maybe it’s relatively close to the ground, or maybe it hovers over a basement entrance into the house. Why is this important? Because if you opt for a synthetic deck that goes against what people are imagining, it is possible that they will be turned off simply because you thwarted their expectations. In short, because wood decks are “safe,” people tend to be more accepting of them and willing to pay for them.

3. Wood decks can easily be updated. “Plain Jane” hardwood can be easily changed so that it appeals to all kinds of people. If they’re not a fan of the color, they can repaint it. If they’re thinking about getting a hot tub, wood decks are compatible. In contrast, if you opt for a synthetic decking material you are more likely to be locking yourself into more limited options in terms of what you can do. Some synthetics can’t handle being near water, aren’t able to be repainted, or come with other limitations as far as malleability is concerned.


Keep in Mind That Location and Simplicity are Key

Both the costs mentioned above and your likely return on investment are national averages that will vary based on where you live and what the climate is like. Those residing in temperate climates where the deck is likely to receive more use can expect to get a better return on investment, generally speaking, but they will also likely pay more up front for the deck. People living in colder climates will probably pay less, but will also get a lower percentage of their investment back.

The biggest thing to keep in mind where resale value is concerned is that simpler is better. You can spend tens of thousands to customize your deck to your unique desires, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it will be more valuable to someone else who has preferences that differ. In fact, unless you just happen to find a buyer who shares your aesthetic tastes, you may find that your return on investment is much lower than you expected. When you want mass appeal, simple wooden decks work best.

Free eBook - Homeowner's Guide to Best Decking Material in Maryland and Virginia

What Is ASA Decking Material and What Are Its Advantages?

Posted in: Screen Porch in Northern Virginia, Decks in Maryland, Decks and Patios, Decks in Virginia, Deck Building Tips, Deck Building Questions, Deck Products, Deck Tips, Deck Design, Screen Porch in Maryland

James Moylan

Thursday, November 13, 2014


ASA Decking Material - One of the Best Synthetic Decking Materials on the Market

If you’re thinking about building a deck and want to go with a synthetic material, you need to understand your options. Besides real wood, there are a number of synthetic materials on the market, including PVC, capstock, and composite.

Composite, a combination of plastic, wood fibers, and wood flour, is the least expensive option and has several benefits over wood, but also requires regular maintenance and is prone to dry rot, staining, and mold and mildew. Capstock is essentially composite decking with a layer of PVC on the outside. It’s resistant to all kinds of issues that plague wood and composite, but can still suffer from mildew or mold if the material can’t breathe. PVC decks are comprised of plastic resin. This makes them easy to maintain and resistant to things like stains, splinters, scratches, and mold, but they still fade over time and are not particularly environmentally friendly.