Is It Safe to Build an Elevated Wood-Burning Outdoor Fireplace?

Posted in: Deck Building Tips, Deck Building Questions, Deck Products, Contracting Questions, patio questions, deck questions, outdoor heaters, screen porch products, decking questions, Outdoor Fireplaces

James Moylan

Wednesday, December 09, 2015


Are Wood-Burning Outdoor Fireplaces Safe for Elevated Decks & Porches?

There are few additions to an outdoor living space that can add the elegance, relaxation, and beauty of a natural wood-burning fireplace. That being said, many people looking to build an outdoor space from the ground up or those looking to modify an existing space question the feasibility of an elevated fireplace. Is it worth it, in terms of construction logistics and price, to build an elevated natural burning fireplace? And is it safe?

How Fade-Resistant is Zuri Decking?

Posted in: Decks in Maryland, Screen Porch, Screen Porch Questions, Decks in Virginia, Zuri Deck, Deck Products, Deck Tips, deck questions, low-maintenance decking, deck topics, screen porch products, deck boards, zuri decking, decking questions, Premium Zuri decking

James Moylan

Monday, November 02, 2015

Zuri premium decking with insight lights fade resistant low maintenance decking

Is Zuri Decking Really Fade-Free?

One of the biggest concerns surrounding your choice of decking is the issue of fading. This is, of course, a justified worry because decks are exposed to a variety of harsh conditions in DC, Maryland, and Virginia, including wind, sun exposure, rain, ice, and snow. If you live near the ocean or other salted body of water, this can also introduce salt into the mix, which only compounds these concerns. Zuri Premium Decking by Royal Building Products, however, boasts some of the most fade-resistant decking material on the market today.

Why Can Screened Porches Cost a Lot of Money?

Posted in: Screen Porch in Northern Virginia, Screen Porch, Screen Porch Tips, Screen Porch Questions, Screen Porch Screens, Screen Porch in Maryland, Screen-Porch Design Tips, retractable screen porch, Danver Stainless Outdoor Kitchens, Brown Jordan Outdoor Cabinets, screen porch products, Screened Porch in Virginia, SCREENEZE, SCREENEZE screening system, Motorized Porch Screens, Motorized Outdoor Screening Systems, Automatic Porch Screens, cooking outdoors, kitchen appliances

James Moylan

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

white-trimmed raised porch with gable roof in montgomery county, maryland

Why screened rooms can cost more money than you think

As with anything, home-improvement projects vary greatly in cost. However, as a general rule, you get what you pay for. That is, if a high-end, high-quality screen porch is what you want, you will need to pay for the correspondingly high-quality materials and labor.

If you’re seriously thinking about adding a screen porch, deck, or other outdoor living space to your home, consider the following factors that can affect the final price. That way, you won’t be surprised either way about the total when it comes time to actually get quotes and build.